Report Trail Work
FSCT hopes that this website can serve as a clearinghouse for information about work on the Santa Catalina trails, both planned and already accomplished. In the past, the various entities that do trail work in the ‘Cats have often had no idea of each other’s plans, sometimes leading to two different groups showing up at the same time to do the same work. We think it would be helpful if all the interested parties knew about each other’s plans in advance, as well as knowing what work has been done in the past few weeks or months.
To that end, we’re asking everyone to report work they’re planning or have just done on the following form. Many hands make light work, especially if they cooperate with each other. Please click on one of the “Report Trail Work” links below to complete the form either online or in print. Thank you!
Report Trail Work (Online Google form)
Report Trail Work (Print pdf)